No Objection Waiver and your Home Country - Ranchod Law Group - J1 Visa Waivers
j1 and j2 Waivers

No Objection Waiver and your Home Country – Ranchod Law Group

Recently we obtained a no objection waiver for our Tanzanian client.

First we contacted the Tanzanian government via phone since there was no information on the website regarding the no objection statement. After a short while and a few explanations of the situation, we were routed through the offices and was connected with a Tanzanian Embassy representative who knew exactly what we were after.

 The most important thing on his list was who we wanted this information for!  We let the applicant remain anonymous and after being told that the applicant would have to call and get the procedure themselves, the representative rattled off a list of hurdles to cross and documents to send.

 The best part of the story is this: we prepared the J-1 waiver application, sent the documents to the US State Department and sent the package of documents required by Tanzania to the Embassy. We got a positive answer within two months!  It was amazing since processing times may be lengthy.  Neither the applicant nor our offices were contacted and asked for any additional documents so maybe getting it right the first time helped. But with nothing in writing from the Tanzanian government regarding their requirements (it evidently is not the Tanzanian way) it was dicey.  We’re glad it worked out and want you all to know that no matter how impossible it can seem to work with your government’s bureaucracy and our government’s bureaucracy the job can get done! 

-Kaushik Ranchod
Attorney at Law
Ranchod Law Group